Entanglement, Double Slit, Observer, Mind, Freewill

I have been meaning to connect these dots for a while and this weekend took up to task to pen down the first draft

Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 on Entanglement

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 was awarded jointly to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science.” Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently – instead, a quantum state may be given for the system as a whole.

The violation of Bell inequalities is a test of the principle of local realism, which states that objects have definite properties even when they are not being observed. The experiments of Aspect, Clauser and Zeilinger showed that objects can be entangled, and that their properties are not determined until they are observed.

Double Split Experiment

The double-slit experiment is a fundamental experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of matter and the probabilistic nature of quantum measurements. The experiment involves shining a beam of particles, such as electrons or photons, through two parallel slits onto a screen. The resulting pattern on the screen is an interference pattern, indicating that the particles behave as waves and interfere with each other. However, when the experiment is observed to determine which slit the particles pass through, the interference pattern disappears. “Copenhagen” interpretation indicates that the act of measurement collapses the wave function and forces the particles to behave like particles instead of waves, while the “Many Worlds” interpretation suggests that the act of observation creates a branching of the universe into multiple parallel worlds, each corresponding to a different possible outcome of the experiment. In this view, the wave-like behavior of the particles is not lost when they are observed, but rather continues in the other parallel worlds.

The Tenth Man story

The story goes like this, ten boys were studying with a guru and went on a journey together. Along the way, they realized that they were one man short. Each boy counted the others and found only nine. They searched high and low but could not find the tenth man. They were all very sad and returned to the guru to report that one of them was missing. The guru asked them to count again, but this time he told them to count themselves as well. When they did this, they found the missing tenth man – himself. The guru explained to them that the tenth man was never really missing, but was always there – it was just a matter of recognizing his own self


There exists a philosophy (yoga) that defines the architecture of mind as manas, chitta, buddhi, and ahamkara.

  • Manas is the sensory or perceptual aspect of the mind. It is responsible for receiving sensory input from the environment and processing it into recognizable forms. Manas is often compared to a camera or a mirror that reflects the external world
  • Chitta is the aspect of the mind that stores impressions or memories. It is responsible for retaining past experiences and creating a sense of continuity and identity over time. Chitta is often compared to a library or a computer hard drive that stores information
  • Buddhi is the aspect of the mind that represents the higher intellect or discernment. It is responsible for making decisions based on logic, reason, and intuition. Buddhi is often compared to a judge or a guide that helps us navigate the world and make wise choices
  • Ahamkara is the aspect of the mind that creates a sense of individuality or ego. It is responsible for creating a sense of “I” or “me” that separates us from others and the rest of the world. Ahamkara is often compared to a mask or a cloak that hides our true nature. This is the trickiest of the components that acts a veil on ones true nature while at the same time “I” also induces a sense of doer ship.

The study of quantum mechanics has led us to question our classical ideas of reality and has introduced concepts such as entanglement and quantum non-locality. The double-slit experiment has demonstrated that properties do not exist until they are measured and that the act of measurement itself can affect the outcome. The 10th man story reminds us that it is not just what we measure or observe, but also how we interpret it that matters. Ultimately, this interpreter has a mind, the one that induces doer-ship, and gives the illusion of choice and freewill.

Introspect the interpreter/observer to unlock the secrets and understand it nature. Based on the experimental data above, it appears that everything is connected to everything and that its only the interpreter/observer somehow comes into existence and makes it local and limited. But this is for each one of us to realize for ourselves.

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